Vi siete mai chiesti cosa fanno nel resto del mondo quelli che hanno la vostra età? Come passano il tempo, come si divertono, se sono o meno più felici di noi? Sinceramente, mi capita spesso di chiedermelo. Quale migliore occasione che quella di sfruttare la mia esperienza in Brasile per saperlo direttamente da chi di dovere.

Sono qui da poco più di una settimana e prima ancora di soffermarmi su clima, ambiente, economia, politica e così via, voglio svelarvi quello che caratterizza la gioventù brasiliana. Per farlo, mi sono presa la libertà di scambiare due parole con il giovane e braziliano Presidente di AIESEC Joinville, il comitato locale che mi ha dato l’opportunità di essere qui ora, Ronan Diego de Oliveira, 23 years old and student in Mechanical Engineering at the UDESC, in Joinville.

R. What kind of youth are in Brazil? «Well, I use to think that there are two kind of young people, the just active one and the purpose one. The first one live their life just following the society, so go to university, work, go out with friends, thinking about them in the future with a good job to earn money. And the second one, that live their life, not giving importance to money, or other material things, but doing everything in order to reach a personal “immaterial” goal, something that is over the general things that people desire».

R. I supposed that you are a purpose guy, what are you doing to reach your personal goal and what generally do purpose people do? «As you know, I’m an active member of AIESEC, as through this organization I really have the possibilities to make the difference, not just look at the world, but act to have a positive and social impact. Here young people as me are engaged to reach a common purpose, and this means to be more externally relevant. As us, other guys work to change and improve what we have, as RotarAct. Different organization and different people, but that think big, think forward, think sustainable to impact on the society. The point is that outside you can see every kind of situation, vulnerable people, violence, injustice, and so often everyone’s life is a common standard iter that just limites you. We want to have a different life, we want to do something for those situations. This is why I’m in AIESEC, I want to give a direction to my life and in the meanwhile I want to give to others the same opportunity. Because if more people cooperate, we can have more impact»

R. you often repeat ” word impact”, can you tell me some concrete impact that you or other have had on your society? «Yes, for example here in Joinville there is an association, ARSD, that support people that have cancer. When we, AIESECer, met them, they had lots of financial problems and corrupt organization. We made we them a project, organizing an event in order to raise funds for their activities and starting to receive trainee, thanks to the AIESEC Internship Program, they improved in the organization too. Now they cooperate with us and can continue to help people as an healty and etic organization. An other one is Embraco, one of our most important partner. They started to work with us, changing completely their static way to manage human resources. And they are so enthusiastic that we decided to use just our International program, so we would have an impact on people from al lover the world».

R. we have spoken about youth, about proactivity, about have a life vision and make in action yourself to get personal purpose, do you have a message to leave to our readers? «There is a message that I have constantly in my mind, inspired by Gandhi’s word:

“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from you action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result”.

You just do because it’s right and you believe in!»

giuseppina cuccurullo

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