
“It is through living that we discover ourselves at the same time as we discover the world around us.”
Henry Cartier Bresson

It was the 9th September 2009, I was very shy, insecure and diffident, and none knew that behind these qualities, there was a determined girl who was ready to take a luggage, go to a place completely unknown, without knowing the language properly, and live an intense experience who changed her life forever. This is not an article about an art exhibition review, it isn’t about a fact that you can read in the newspaper, these are words from a true life experience, and I think some of them are interesting enough to be shared.

I never asked my self why eighteen years old, want to leave her country and go somewhere else. If you ask the same question to a man, today he will probably reply to you: «because in Italy young people cannot find what they are looking for, there are jobs problems, and the government doesn’t give to the young people the chance to make a life with an economic support». But for me, it was just different, it was fun.

I can still remember how I felt when the security guy at the airport looked at me and he asked: «two luggage and I bet you can’t even say how old are you in English», I was shy and I really hated that man, but now this fact makes me laugh.

I came to London when I was young, I learnt how to adapt myself in a new society, how to face things alone, how to take care of myself, and how to live in a city when you barely know the language, I made friends after a while, and now they are my family. I’ve lived here for four years, I did a lot of experiences, I discovered new traditions and I understood what I want to do in my future. Therefore this at the beginning was just a little school experience; none knew that when I gave my boarding pass to the hostess, I was going to change my life.

The quote that Henry Cartier Bresson says it is really touching and true. Sometimes you need the courage to change the things; sometimes you need the determination that gives you the strength during the difficult times in your life.

I don’t believe in fairy tales, I don’t believe in the prince charming who comes to save your life, I believe in the passion, in the courage, in the risk, and in living the moment. It’s all about carpe diem, take your chance, life your life, don’t think too much, there is going to been sooner the time to be responsible, now it’s time to enjoy life, and live it as much as possible. Everyone has a dream, I am the kind of person who makes her dream her life and I’m still trying to understand if this is a good thing or not, because when you lose it, or when someone takes it away from you, you can fight as much as possible, but sometimes you just need to face it: you cannot control everything.

So here, you have a choice: stop living, crying like a baby for the next months or don’t lose hope. I don’t want to make an analysis about the different life styles or feelings, I just want to be honest, In a society where the economy is killing our present and future, where there are people who cannot make their job but they are still being paid pretty well, where the Pope gives his demission, and where the violence is so normal that can be compared with a daily food shopping, what can we do? Is being hopeless the only thing we can really do? And for how long? So many questions, and no answers. That’s why we need to think more about what we really want, to risk more, and to enjoy the time of our lives, because none is going to be there to reassure us about a better future.

We have a choice, believe in it, run away, or just believe in ourselves because we will be the only one who can do it.  On the whole, I would like to conclude this short article with a quote that I really like:

 “Be yourself. The world worships the original.” Ingrid Bergman

Being yourself in a world full of hypocrisy is a risk, takes a lot of courage, but who is more interesting, someone with a mask? Or someone who likes to live without it?

beatrice conti

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