1368684_172425686283715_238919634_nWhen I first decide to write this article, I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to say, what I wanted to share with the readers, at some point every writer has a moment of confusion, of “ writer’s block”, I cannot define myself as one of them, but at least I hope I will become one in the future. In the past few years, I have learnt how important the rule of the writing in my life is, it is freedom, it is the first thing I do when I am happy, it is the first thing I don’t do when I am mad, it’s like a relationship, we’re best friends but we are always here for each other. I was waiting for the perfect moment to write this new article, the perfect time, the perfect day, but then I realized that the hardest thing was to let the feelings go.

 “My sun sets to rise again” – Robert Browing

I believe that many people know the importance and the meaning of the quote written by Robert Browning, there are thousands of reason why someone has to “start again”, the famous “a new beginning”, how many of you can find something in common with the word: don’t give up? I am not scared to admit that I am one of them, I could give up my dreams few moths ago but I decided that if I could go trough this, I could do everything.

 “Courage is the resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain

I don’t want to make this article too personal, I don’t want to make a biography or tell stories of my months in Italy after living in London for four years but I want to share the real meaning of the word courage. In my opinion the courage is a word to small with a sound too strong, it is fear, it is the realization to accept something, it is the desire to move on, or to change things, it is hope.  I was so scared when I moved to London for the first time that I cannot even describe the feelings, I was scared when I had to open the letter to know if I was admitted at university, I was scared when I came back to Italy and I had to accept how many things where changed when I was gone, and I was even scared to trying to know my self again. But without courage, I wouldn’t probably be here and to admit that it is true when people say that “When one door closes, another door opens”, it was hard to leave London seven months ago, but I am happy to say that is hard to leave the place where I live now. And this means that even in the darkest moment of your life, eventually something will change, we cannot let the bad experience change us, we still need to believe in the magic of freedom, in the happiness, in the joy of appreciate the small things, because this is what we do when we know what means to loose everything, it is like a reborn.

My grandmother used to say: “everyone needs someone”, I am the kind of person who belives I am a wonderwoman, I can do everything by myself, apparently it was true, but now I would say that I can still be a superheroine but with the right friends, I can be even better. It is like a team, you need to find the perfect group of people that can stand by you, that brings you the pasta in you room when you don’t feel well, or those who are brave enough to respect your silence, but you know they are there for you, those who wants to see you with a smily face. These are the people that no matter what happens, you will always think they are your heroes, because when you thought you couldn’t do it, they still believed in you.

 “Home is where the heart is.” – Pliny Elder

I cannot think a better quote to conclude this article, home are the people I shared the bad and the good days, are the friends who became my family, are the people that I will miss but I know that there is no a properly reason, because who loves you, who cares about, won’t leave you, no matter where you go, or what you do. This is my concept of home, this is my way to say thank you.

beatrice conti

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